Thursday, June 24, 2010

Rose Has Found A Home

Mom cat Rose has found a home at Rikki's Refuge in Virginia and I am so happy because she deserves a better life than that on the streets or in a cage.

Donations are needed so if you can spare even a few dollars it would so be appreciated.

the paypal address is
SUBJECT: Rose/Nikki Cutro/FELV cat fund

if you make a donation please email me so I can keep track of them and make sure the money you donate is put toward her. We have almost $100 and need more...even $5 will help

my email is:

Thanks from those that can't speak themselves


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Velociraptor Kitten

Yes, Velociraptor Kitten. I had accidentally brought one food bowl with me yesterday and the little ones had to share, well that didn't go according to plan.

Elliot is usually mild mannered and easy going. When I put the food bowl filled to the brim with food in the cage with Elliot and his brother Elliot immediately wrapped his paws around it and began to growl and hiss followed by a few swats. I have never seen him do such a thing let alone any cat really do this to such an extent. They never want for food.

I didn't want them to be fighting and found a paper plate to split up the food so both Gallifrey and Elliot can have their own lunch and that is when it happened...

Velociraptor Kitty came out of nowhere when I went to get the food and clamped down on my finger so hard that I had to pry his little fangs off of me. He wasn't budging and although he did not break skin with his little teeth it sure does hurt. Had I lifted my hand he would have gladly hung on. Now I can laugh because here is this little peanut of a thing acting ferocious. I say I laughed, he however was dead serious. The other funny thing is that he really didn't even eat much.

So the lesson here is ALWAYS remember both bowls, your fingers might count on it


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Looking Good...Well Looking Much Better



Here are my little guys, hair growing back on their heads and toes. They are now double their size and growing by the minute. Poor little things look like the ads for male hair transplants. You can't really tell but there are tiny little whisps of hair growing back out of that wrinkly little bald spot.

They still come to work with me and Sunny is starting to be a bit more comfortable with them. She must still check them out often and jumps when they make a sudden move. The kittens however could care less that she is there and they continue playing, sleeping and eating just as little kittens should.

On a different note we may have a place for mom cat Rose to go to. I will fill you in when it is finalized. This will be great for her and I think she will be very happy there...fingers crossed :)


Monday, June 7, 2010

And Still Going

Well, I know I promised a picture but there is a kink in that plan apparently, both kittens have licked the fur off each others face and front paws. Yes I know what that could mean but only after a minor panic attack when a dear friend asked me if I had a blacklight and if I did does their skin look green. Now she didn't say why so I hit the search engines trying to find why a kitten's skin would turn green and hair fall out. I found the answer and great, now I am itchy. I swear kittens are made cute for a reason.

Thankfully it is common but care needs to be taken just in case. I shall keep watch as usual and inform my poor friend Julia of any imperfection. (I swear she must either laugh or cringe everytime she sees my name pop up in a text or email) She has the patience of a Saint and if she hasn't killed me yet chances are she won't. Well at least I am entertaining.

Today I brought them to work again to watch them and make sure they are eating. Gallifrey was kind enough to, um, well let us just say share what he ate out of his back end, for something so little he really knows how to clear a room. Even poor Sunny the dog was offended. Thankfully I have a boss and office mate that are good natured. Upon walking by the office he stopped and stuck his head in and said "What the hell is that smell?" then when told he said "That smell came out of that?" then shook his head laughing and walked away.

I feel like when your child pulls that one can out of an elaborate display in the front of a supermarket and everything crashes to the ground. The whole store stares at you, yes, that is what it feels like. I think I shall hide under my desk tomorrow and I really must think of a way to pay them back, perhaps cookies will do.

I can not wait for the day I can look back on this and laugh or the kittens hit the more managable (and less stressful) 6 months age. Until then I will enjoy their dear little bald faces and cute kitten bellies.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Three Day Mark

Well three days have passed and I am happy to report the two remaining kittens are still here with me.

Gallifrey, the all orange kitten has nearly doubled in size and has his kitten belly back, he has become very vocal and purrs at the slightest touch.

Elliot, the little orange and white kitten is still not where he should be but making improvements I hope. He is half the size of his brother and not as active but gladly sits with you and purrs if being petted. I am also keeping an eye on his eye as it sometimes has puss in it. He seems to be rather picky on how his food is delivered. I have to constantly move it around with a spoon and let him eat off it. A small bowl is not good enough and it takes forever for him to eat but hey, I am so grateful that he is eating anything at all. I will do what is needed.

I am lucky to have a job that allows me to take the little guys with me (much to the protest of the smelly kitten food) and as long as Sunny's humans do not pet the kittens (she becomes very distraught and jealous) everything goes well.

I will post some pictures of them soon. Right now they are kind of messy from eating and it is too late to really clean them up proper. A slightly damp cloth will have to do.

I guess that is it for now. Thank you everyone that sent well-wishes and ask about them. I hope each day I can deliver better news than the day before.


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

To Small Little Victories

We shall take the little things as they come and today was a good day. When I came downstairs in the morning I will admit I was a bit concerned as I did not hear the little mews of my charges right away. I made a bit of a noise and two little heads popped up and the ruckus began, it was music to my ears. We made it through the night.

I packed their things and off we went to work where I could monitor them all day. I happen to work in a pretty cool place, the owner brings his dog Sunny everyday. She is a beautiful dog, albeit a chicken little. Now it is manditory to give a belly rub upon entering the office and since my hands were full I could not accomodate but I had her follow me into my office. I put the kittens down and they let out a mew that nearly scared the fur off this giant dog. She wasn't quite sure what to make of them and for the record stayed her distance the whole day.

I am glad to say that Gallifrey is a little piglet again and he has his little kitten belly back as well as his appetite. Elliot is eating and drinking but it takes a bit of encouragement. He is still too thin and not out of the woods just yet but I am keeping constant watch on him.

Right now they are in their crate purring away and ready for little kitten dreams and that makes me happy.

